Courtesy of GE:
EGLF Mvts 13:30ish-17:30ish
Date Time Mvt Reg Type c/s Comments
08-Sep 13:45 DEP * OK-EAS BE40 TIE682Y
08-Sep 13:53 ARR I-ARFX E35L SIO411
08-Sep 13:58 ARR M-ISTY G280 MISTY
08-Sep 14:01 DEP N143QS GL6T N143QS
08-Sep 14:04 DEP D-CTOR E55P LXG55OR
08-Sep 14:08 DEP T7-AZH G450 T7AZH
08-Sep 14:15 DEP 9H-VCL CL35 VJT418
08-Sep 14:17 ARR OO-CLA C25C AAB888
08-Sep 14:20 ARR D-AFBS E35L AHO661C
08-Sep 14:28 DEP D-CROG E55P AHO432T
08-Sep 14:34 ARR LX-WJD HDJT FYL42JD
08-Sep 14:36 DEP 9H-VCD CL35 VJT467
08-Sep 14:43 DEP SE-RFH C680 EUW9281
08-Sep 14:44 ARR CS-DXV C56X NJE8HL
08-Sep 14:47 ARR 554 A320 MJN520
08-Sep 14:50 DEP M-ISTY G280 MISTY
08-Sep 14:55 DEP CS-RBN GLEX JME508N
08-Sep 15:08 DEP I-ARFX E35L SIO411
08-Sep 15:13 ARR * G-UKPS C208
08-Sep 15:40 ARR * D-BEEP C750
08-Sep 15:44 ARR 9H-ILA CL85 VJT602
08-Sep 15:55 DEP N121RS GLEX TWY22
08-Sep 16:04 DEP A6-MRM B738 DUB5
08-Sep 16:08 ARR 9H-VJM GL6T VJT850
08-Sep 16:11 ARR A6-RJU B737 ROJ007
08-Sep 16:15 DEP CS-PHM E55P NJE332U
08-Sep 16:17 ARR G-REYS CL64 GREYS
08-Sep 16:20 DEP OO-CLA C25C AAB888
08-Sep 16:21 DEP G-COGS B407
08-Sep 16:26 DEP M-ROCA CL65 MROCA
08-Sep 16:32 ARR * OE-FCO C510
08-Sep 16:33 ARR * G-UKPS C208
08-Sep 16:35 DEP * 9H-ILB CL85 VJT645
08-Sep 16:37 ARR LX-PCB PC24 JFA57E
08-Sep 16:45 ARR * OY-NDP C25A GAG673E
08-Sep 16:51 ARR CS-LTL C68A NJE824K
08-Sep 16:54 DEP G-EGVO F9EX GEGVO
08-Sep 17:08 ARR HB-FVY PC12 HBFVY
08-Sep 17:19 ARR D-AIRG E35L AHO383M
08-Sep 17:21 ARR EC-MLV C680 GES541V
08-Sep 17:23 DEP 9H-VJM GL6T VJT850
08-Sep 17:24 ARR CS-DFK F2EX NJE4RR
08-Sep 17:26 ARR OY-LGI GL6T VMP933
08-Sep 17:29 DEP * OE-FCO C510 GAC560D
08-Sep 17:32 DEP N900LY GLF5 N900LY
CAVEATS: PLEASE READ THEM (Updated 01st March 2019)
This report is un-official and is produced on a best endevours basis - use at your own discretion.
Not all arrivals and departures will be captured.
Movement times may be out by up to 10 minutes as the time is dependent upon when the aircraft was last seen by my SBS.
Movements without an astirisk are based on the first/last LAT/LONG of the aircraft.
Movements marked with an asterisk are based on altitude alone and may be mis-reported.
Movements into Fairoaks may show as Farnborough movements though where possible a comment will be added.
Movements into other local airports will be posted on the site when time permits.
Daily nightstopping list may contain inaccuracies due to an arrival/departure being missed or mis-reported - use at your own discretion.
Any manual updates to the nightstopping list will be actioned when time permits.
Not to be re-circulated including re-posting on Facebook without my explicit permission.
Report produced using Planebase (
See my recent photos at